Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fieldwork week

**Please post any photos, notes, observations from Wednesday's tour that you would like to share!**

From 26-30 July we will be working intensively on our research in Yeoville. The schedule is as follows:

1) Monday 26th, 11.00-13.30
Meet at Yeoville Recreation Centre on Raleigh St at 11am sharp. PLEASE DO NOT BE LATE, especially now that you all know where you are going - I have arranged with various people to take time out of their day to speak to you and it is incredibly rude to keep them waiting.
You will meet four or five people with different insights into Yeoville's past and present, who will each make a short presentation with time for questions.

After this session you will divide into pairs and choose themes for your week's research. Each pair will choose one of the following themes: Architecture; politics; arts and culture; social and religious histories; African diversity. You will work in these pairs to collect as much information as you can about sites, people, spaces and stories in Yeoville that are connected to your chosen theme. These are also the pairs in which you will design your walking tours. You should spend Monday afternoon planning your research activities for the week and begin to identify sites for study.

2) Tuesday, 27 July, 9.00-11.00
"This is my Yeoville" tours with residents. We will meet at the Recreation Centre. Each student will be paired up with one Yeoville resident, who will take you on an individual tour of his or her personal Yeoville - to spaces that are important to him/her, spaces that have particular memories connected with them, frequently used public spaces, introduce you to other residents, etc. You should document this tour carefully - this documentation will be submitted for marks.

After the tours, you should meet up in your pairs to continue your thematic research.

3) Wednesday 28 July - you're on your own! Continue with your thematic research in pairs.

4) Thursday 29 July, 9.00 - we will have a brief meeting at the Recreation Centre to share progress, and then you will spend the day continuing your research in pairs.

5) Friday 30 July, 9.00-12.00 - we will meet at the Recreation Centre to give you an opportunity to publicly show some of the material you have found so far. Please ensure that anyone who has helped you throughout the week is invited to this public meeting. This will be an informal presentation to give residents and interested people an idea of what information you have uncovered so far, and hopefully to get some suggestions about where else you could look. Use the afternoon to tie up loose ends and to plan what you still need to do.

On August 4th you will present, in pairs, a summary of your findings so far as a Powerpoint presentation, which will be worth 5% of your course mark; and you will hand in your documentation of your "This is my Yeoville" tour which is also worth 5%. See your course handouts for details.

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